Affinsys AI
Bangalore, India
About Affinsys AI AI is an award-winning innovative software company with a focus on the application of Artificial Intelligence in enterprise customer experience. We offer our Enterprise SaaS products - TelcoBuddy, BankBuddy & InsureBuddy as white-labeled CX solutions to Mid-size & large enterprises. With a laser-sharp focus on Customer Experience automation for enterprises, we use Composite AI Deep learning, NLP, computer vision, big data, recommendation systems & speech analytics fused with our domain knowledge of working with 100's enterprises across 50 countries to help them shift: from legacy to latest channels (Embedded Financial services), from transactions to goal based journeys (Personalized customer experience), from reactive service provider to proactive advisor (Robo/AI-based advisory), from silos to ecosystem. Within a short span of 4 years from commercial launch, our innovative product has found rapid adoption with esteemed customers in 18 countries.